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We're overjoyed that you've chosen LXRY ENTERTAINMENT to be a part of your life! It's fantastic to know that you're interested in our incredible services, and we want to make sure that you have an unforgettable experience while shopping with us. Whether you're exploring our online shop or speaking with our contact center team, we're here to ensure that your experience with us is nothing short of delightful. We'll be your guide every step of the way, so let's make this an incredible journey together!

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Sales Terms

  1. Payment Terms: The first payment is a non-refundable retainer of 50% of the total charge for booking. At a minimum, Client agrees that the retainer fee fairly compensates Provider for committing to provide the Services and turning down other potential projects/clients. If you request additional hours and LXRY Entertainment LLC is able to provide them, there will be a fee of $150.00 applicable per additional hour.  Payment can be made via check, zelle bank transfer or cash app. If you pay by cheque, we require the cheque to be cleared one week from the date initially received.

  2. Booking Confirmation: Once we receive your payment, we will send you a booking confirmation along with the agreeable signed contract via email, which outlines all the details of your event. It is your responsibility to review this confirmation/contract and inform us immediately if any changes need to be made.

  3. Changes and Cancellations: We understand that changes can occur in the planning process of your event. If you need to make any changes to your booking, please inform us in writing (hard copy) or via email (digital) at least 14 days prior to the event date. We will make every effort to accommodate any reasonable changes. However, please note that changes made within 14 days of the event or any day(s) before the event  date are subject to a 50% cancellation fee.

  4. If you need to cancel your booking, please inform us in writing (hard copy) or via email (digital) at least 14 days prior to the event date. Cancellations made within 14 days of the event date are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. 

  5. Equipment and Services: We will provide all equipment and services as agreed upon in your booking confirmation. Any additional equipment or services requested on the day of the event may be subject to additional charges.

  6. Liability: We are not liable for any injury, loss or damage to any person or property during the use of our services.

Refund Terms

  1. Cancellation by Us: In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your booking due to unforeseen circumstances or reasons beyond our control, we will provide a full refund of any payment made to us. If possible, we will try to find an alternative date for your event.

  2. Refunds for Cancellations: Refunds for cancellations made by you are subject to our changes and cancellations policy outlined in the sales terms above. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of cancellation notice.

  3. Quality of Service: We strive to provide high-quality service to all our clients. If you are not satisfied with the quality of our service, please let us know immediately so we can work to resolve the issue. Refunds will be issued at our discretion based on the circumstances.

  4. If Client desires to cancel Services, reschedule Services, or if it becomes impossible for Provider to render Services due to the fault of the Client or parties related to Client, such as failure of the Event to occur or failure of one or more essential parties to the Event to show up in a timely manner, Client shall provide notice to Provider as soon as possible via the Notice provisions detailed in this Agreement. 

  5. Provider has no obligation to attempt to re-book further Services to fill the void created by Client’s cancellation, rescheduling, no-show or if it becomes impossible for Provider to provide the Services due to the fault of Client (or parties related to Client), and Provider will not be obligated to refund any monies Client has previously paid towards the Total Cost. 

  6. Client is not relieved of any payment obligations for cancelled Services, rescheduled Services, failing to show up for the Event or should it become impossible for Provider to provide the services due to the fault of Client (or parties related to Client) unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing. 

  7. Then Provider may choose, at its sole discretion, to excuse all (or a portion of) Client's outstanding debt.

  8. Force Majeure. Notwithstanding the above, either party may choose to be excused of any further performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of either party, such as, but not limited to: 1.A natural disaster (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, flooding, storms or infestation); 2.War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemies, Embargo, or other Hostility (whether declared or not); 3. Any hazardous situation created outside the control of either party such as a riot, disorder, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism.

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